Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Customer Experience to Gain Momentum in 2019

Many businesses will be keen to know which B2B trends in 2109 are likely to pan out.

One thing is certain.

Customer experience will reign supreme in importance while creating marketing strategies.

Why so?

Smart marketers have realized that customer experience must be leveraged to create a competitive advantage.

It is a business commitment to create an in-depth understanding of the target consumer and to leverage this insight to create strategies at all customer touchpoints.

And noteworthy news is consumers are willing to pay more for a better customer experience.

So the message is clear.

Customer experience more than the product’s price and quality is expected to be the key differentiator for getting business – even in a B2B environment.

So what does customer experience mean?

If you ask a dozen marketers you may get a dozen answers.

Yet, the answer is straightforward.

Customer experience is what a customer receives at every touch point or any encounter where consumers and companies interact to provide service or handle transactions.

Customer experience is about perception. Consumers always look for the “feel good” experience.

Yes, we must listen to the voice of the consumer via interviews, surveys, and social media platforms.

It is these insights that we must leverage to get the best results.

One of the challenges businesses face is on how to deliver an inclusive and end-to-end experience and not just an isolated transaction.

This simply means offering personalized experiences.

Even a B2B customer does not want to be advised a one-size-fits-all solution. The customer wants an answer tailored to their unique needs.

The first thing you must do before launching on the personalization experience is getting to know who your target audience is.

The best resource to identify your potential prospects is Esources.co.uk.

According to an esources.co.uk review, this portal has the most exhaustive list of wholesale suppliers, dropshippers, and trade leads.

Another trend we are likely to see in 2019 is a surge in video marketing.

It is true that video marketing has been around for past several years. But SMEs would do well to leverage it further.

After all, video is a vigorous story telling medium. Its impact to get the message across is extremely effective.

It puts across narratives very efficiently on how-tos, case studies, brand-specs, thought leadership, and so on.

Of course greater attention will be accorded to data privacy, real time analytics, and content marketing.

Whichever way you see it, Esources.co.uk will be in the lead to offer businesses access to the most inclusive list of vendors.

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